Robots.txt Generator

Search Engine Optimization

Robots.txt Generator

Default - All Robots are:  
Sitemap: (leave blank if you don't have) 
Search Robots: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Restricted Directories: The path is relative to root and must contain a trailing slash "/"

Now, Create 'robots.txt' file at your root directory. Copy above text and paste into the text file.

About Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt Generator -Free Small SEO Tool

Looking to optimize your website's visibility in search engine results and control how search engine crawlers interact with your site? Our SEO-friendly Robots.txt Generator tool is here to simplify the process. With just a few clicks, you can easily generate a customized robots.txt file that directs search engine crawlers and enhances your website's SEO performance.

A robots.txt file plays a crucial role in instructing search engine bots on which parts of your website to crawl and index. Our Robots.txt Generator tool allows you to specify the access permissions for different sections of your site, ensuring that search engines focus on the most relevant and valuable content.

Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to create a robots.txt file tailored to your website's specific needs. You can define the rules and directives for search engine crawlers, including allowing or disallowing access to certain pages or directories. By guiding search engines to the right content, you improve your website's visibility and prevent the indexing of duplicate or irrelevant pages.

Using our SEO-friendly Robots.txt Generator, you can save time and effort in manually coding a robots.txt file. Our tool provides you with a well-structured and optimized robots.txt file that aligns with SEO best practices. By ensuring that search engine crawlers can efficiently navigate and index your site, you enhance your website's chances of ranking higher in search results.

Take control of how search engine bots interact with your website. Try our SEO-friendly Robots.txt Generator tool today and optimize your website's visibility in search engine results. With a customized robots.txt file, you can guide search engines to the most valuable content and improve your website's overall SEO performance.